A Novel By     David W Hutton
Amicus Tremors © The Novel By David W Hutton
David Hutton

About The Author

David is a 'day to day' practicing Attorney who is a member of a Christian based law firm. The firm is in fact non-traditionally operated and is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is a multi-jurisdictional attorney whose contribution to the firm represents the client's interest nationwide and internationally.


David's firm has offered him opportunities for travel and exposure to diverse cultures. This experience has provided him detailed, in-depth understanding of diverse legal systems, business environments, cultures, and the various legal and business practices of many countries throughout the world. In the past he has prosecuted murders internationally; assisted large multinational corporations build effective legal foundations, worked with foreign governments, and is a graduate of The Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands, Public & Private Law Académie de Droit International de La Haye, Netherlands.

Most recently David was invited to become a member of the American University of Sovereign Nations Board of Governors. The AUSN Board of Governors is a group of highly respected national and international thought-leaders, community leaders, scholars, academicians and business leaders, who have significantly contributed to advancement and embitterment of their community.

He delivers his wealth of knowledge, experience, and joy of writing in his novel, Amicus Tremors.

A Note From The Author

Unsolved Political Assassinations- such a disgrace to the human condition and race and of those people and groups that are behind them but there are those that stand in that special ethereal place of “what would be if only….”

Certain of these individuals most likely would have changed the course of human history for the entire world in some respect or another. The author is disturbed by too many of these to mention such as Julius Ceasar, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK, Ghandi and others, but the ones that influenced his life to inspire this book were those of Ghandi, Benigno Aquino, Georgi Markov, and disputably former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby, although there was a paltry explanation of DCI Colby’s death under circumstances that has never quite synchronized the facts to the real life of this man.

Amicus Tremors touches the author especially most probably because he lived in those times and had many friends and associates, natives of their homeland of the Philippines, that were deeply and dramatically affected by this would be Presidential incumbent, this book is a fiction depiction of actual facts and hypothesized “what ifs” that spawned its writing. It is based on information gathered by the author as well as those who were involved in intelligence during those times.